The Health and Safety at Work Act and the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1995, both require that worker safety should be addressed within the design of a building. This applies during the construction of the building and, once built, its maintenance, repair and demolition.
The HSG33 Health and Safety in Roof Work booklet specifically states that where rooflights are required, it is obligatory for designers to consider:
- Specifying rooflights that are non-fragile.
- Fitting rooflights designed to project above the plane of the roof and which cannot be walked on (these reduce the risk but they should still be capable of withstanding a person falling onto them).
Rooflights may be deemed non-fragile if they comply with the requirements of TN92 from the Centre for Window and Cladding Technology (CWCT).
For rooflights outside the scope of TN92, testing is required to TN66 and TN67.
Lonsdale are able to provide Class 0 (walk-on rooflights), Class 1 (occasional walk-on for maintenance) and Class 2 (fall prevention or mansafe)
Even non-fragile rooflights are susceptible to damage by impact. They are not usually intended to support foot traffic and cleaning/maintenance from gantries and/or access platforms should be considered.
Alternatively, Rooflights, lanternlights and patent glazing can be classified to ACR[M] 001:2014 Red Book test procedure. Consideration to prEN1873 is also required (using 1200joules energy rating).
Lonsdale systems have been tested by BRE and have been classified Class A and Class B. Details of the tests are available on request.
It must be stressed that different combinations of bar lengths and centres will produce varying results. Please contact our Technical department for guidance.