NBS Source

NBS Source is a library of technical product information written in NBS format and linked to NBS clauses and clause guidance. The links with the NBS specification software allow you to specify our products quickly and accurately by just a click of a button which then drops the product information directly into your specification.

As a member of NBS Source, Lonsdale Metal Company can provide you with a bespoke NBS specification for your next project. Please contact our Technical Services team if you require a specific NBS specification or you require assistance with specifications and technical services.​

NBS Source

Product Specification by NBS

Round Rooflight


  • What does NBS stand for?

    NBS stands for the National Building Specifications, which refers to the approved documents for building regulations that the UK construction industry uses to develop digital models, create specifications and find existing products.

  • What are NBS Preliminaries?

    The purpose of NBS Preliminaries is to specify general conditions and requirements for the execution of a product, including subcontracting, approvals, testing and completion. They assure that the product is created in line with current requirements and regulations.